Go to The Power of Project Leadership to read more about Madsen’s book – winner of the PMI UK National Project Awards 2019 – Project Management Literature Category

Review your Project Leadership Skills

A good place to start is to look back at what happened during that last year or so. What went really well on your projects and what achievements are you most proud of?

In which ways did you successfully collaborate, lead, and add value?

It’s important to take time to savor the sweet moments and pad yourself on the back, as you can’t be sure that anyone else will do it. Look back through your calendar and notice all the things you did. Reviewing your achievements reminds you of how far you have come and what you have learned. It will give you renewed energy for the year ahead.

At the same time, you also need to consider what didn’t go so well. What feedback did you receive – directly or indirectly – from clients, colleagues, and bosses? What does it tell you about the areas you need to improve on? The feedback you received shouldn’t be seen as negative but as an opportunity to grow and continue to develop. We all have areas we need to improve on and it’s much better to be conscious about them as that means you can do something about it.

To continue to develop your project leadership skills, have a look through the eight topics below. They are grouped into the categories of leading others, leading self, and leading the project. Read through each of them and score yourself on a scale from 1 to 10. The areas where you score the lowest are those that you need to focus on the most going forward.

♦ Project Leadership Skills for Leading others

1. To what Extent are you Able to Fully Engage and Motivate others?

Are you paying sufficient attention to how you motivate your team and make each member feel appreciated and included?

Studies show that high performance occurs when all members of a team communicate and contribute in roughly the same amounts – something which is made possible when people feel safe to express their views and ideas without being criticized or dismissed.

During team meetings, encourage people to share what’s on their mind and close the meeting by inviting those who haven’t yet contributed to share their thoughts and feelings. You can also encourage team members to speak up during your one-2-one’s. These meetings shouldn’t be spent just tracking progress and talking about tasks and assignments. They should also address how you work together.

Ask the team member if they feel that the delegation and escalation process between you is working and if they are getting the support and guidance from you that they need. In the new year begin to initiate these kinds of honest and direct conversations and really value your team member’s input.


READ ALSO: How to Lead, Manage and Motivate Knowledge Workers


2. How Good are you at Holding People to Account?

As much as you need to support, encourage, and listen to your team members, you also need to challenge them and hold them to account. Otherwise, high performance is unlikely to happen. It can be truly motivating to have clear performance targets, so as to mutually agree to measurable goals and objectives for all assignments.

Remember that it’s not your role to singlehandedly set the targets. Ideally, targets and SMART measures should be set by the individual team member based on their own analysis and estimates.

When team members set their own targets in terms of when a task will be delivered and how quality will be measured, it’s much easier for you to hold them to account. On the contrary, it’s almost impossible to hold someone accountable for something they have not been part of agreeing.


READ ALSO: What is Delegation in Management and How to do it Effectively?


3. To what Extent do you Tailor your Communication?

Do you understand who all your stakeholders are and do you tailor your approach and method of communication to each of them?

Some people say that you have to treat people the way you would like to be treated yourself, but it’s far better to treat people the way they would like to be treated.

Don’t make the mistake of treating everyone the same

Everyone has different communication preferences. Some of your stakeholders would like you to drop them an email, informing them of what is happening. Other’s would like you to inform them at your regular face-2-face meetings – or they want you to escalate to them via a weekly status report.

Don’t make the mistake of treating everyone the same. Instead, ask your most important clients and stakeholders how they would like you to keep them informed. Some may need a bit of time to consider your question, as they may never have been asked before.

♦ Project Leadership Skills for Leading self

4. To what Degree do you have a Mindset of Success?

Are you able to focus all of your energy on being the best leader you can of your project, or do your thoughts from time to time sidetrack and sabotage you? What are some of the stories you are telling yourself? Perhaps a little voice inside of you is saying that you are not experienced enough, not technical enough, not old enough, or perhaps too old to effectively lead a project?

Studies show that up to 75% of people’s thoughts tend to be negative, which means that we are our own worst enemy. To be a successful project leader you have to manage your thoughts and remove the negative ones as you would weeds in a garden.


READ ALSO: Project Leadership: The World is Changing and so Must You (1/3)


If you feel your knowledge is not up to scratch, sign up for a course or find a mentor, but don’t beat yourself up with self-deprecating thoughts. Simply become conscious about what you are thinking and deliberately substitute any limiting beliefs with a set of more empowering ones. If you’re unsure how to do it, find a coach who can help you.

5. How Good is your Ability to Manage Time? 

Are you working proactively and do you get through most of your scheduled tasks during a working day? To be as effective as you can in the new year you must take control of time and manage it well instead of letting time manage you.

If you feel that you’re not getting enough work done, block out some time in the morning where you work uninterruptedly on your most important tasks. Resist the temptation to clear the small items first and be careful not to multitask, as it will dramatically lower your focus and productivity.

If you manage to get most of your big tasks done early in the day it doesn’t matter that the remainder of the day is consumed by interruptions, meetings, and urgent issues.

6. To what Degree are you Able to Control your Impulses? 

There are many situations on a project that can trigger your emotions, and if you’re not careful they can cause you to overreact and to do or say things that you will later regret.

When a team member hasn’t completed the work they said they would, when stakeholders change their minds about a requirement, or if an unexpected issue crops up, it can cause you stress and trigger an emotional reaction.


READ ALSO: Project Leadership: The 3 Most Fundamental Mistakes Project Managers Make (2/3)


Noticing your emotions is a good thing, but reacting unduly – or overreacting – because you feel angry, upset, or afraid should for the most part be avoided. Form the habit in the new year to become aware of how you feel about a situation and consciously choose how you want to respond.

Never send an email or give instructions to a team member when you feel angry. First, find a way to calm yourself down so that you can think clearly. You can do that by slowing down, breathing deeply, or going for a walk.

Project Leadership Skills for Leading the Project

7. How Good are you at Scheduling Retrospectives?

Do you regularly take time out to validate that your project is headed in the right direction and to assess what you can improve and change going forward? Having regular retrospectives is an essential part of leading a project because it enables you to course-correct and engage the team in the process. Some of the questions you can ask of the team are:

  • What is working really well for other teams and in other industries that we can replicate?
  • What does our gut tell us about the project?
  • Which bad decisions have we made that need to be reverted?
  • What would we do differently if we bet our own money on this?
  • What do our customers and executives keep complaining about?
  • What can we do about it?
  • What are we not seeing that is new or different? 

8. How Certain are you that the Project has a Strong Business Case? 

The purpose of your project is to deliver specific outputs and outcomes to your client or project sponsor, right? Well, that’s partly right. The ultimate purpose is for those outputs and outcomes to add value and deliver the business benefits.

Many project managers conveniently forget this last step as they believe that it’s the sponsor’s or client’s responsibility to ensure that a valid business case is in place. But project leaders are more than happy to co-own the business case and actively take an interest in helping to realize it.

How good are you personally at understanding the project’s ultimate purpose and the wider business context? If you feel that this is a weak spot, make it a priority this year. Few things are more powerful on a project than understanding the business aspect.

Now that you have carried out your review, choose three areas to work on this upcoming year. Don’t overcommit yourself by setting too ambitious goals. Small, steady steps are the best way to move forward and set yourself and your project up for success.


Susanne Madsen is an authority on the topic of Project Leadership and she is the author of the award-winning book The Power of Project Leadership. Go to The Power of Project Leadership to read more about Madsen’s book, which is the winner of the PMI UK National Project Awards 2019 – Project Management Literature Category

Susanne Madsen The power of project leadership




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