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Tag: Self-Awareness

Explainer: What is Emotional Intelligence and Why do You Need it?

Authored by Suzanne Ross, Nottingham Trent University British politician, Andrew Mitchell is clearly a highly intelligent man. He’s well-educated, good at his job and was once...

Workplace Spirituality: Why & How it Works like a Charm

When reading the slowly increasing bulk of research literature about the positive results of workplace spirituality - it is a wonder that researchers are...

Heads Up Guys – Men, Stress, and Mindfulness at Work

Authored by Dr. Clarissa Hughes Today there is a significant conversation about stress and especially about stress at work concerning women. The number of people...

Beyond Mindfulness and Work/Life Balance

Authored by Jeanine Joy, Ph.D. The Road to Mindfulness and Beyond My parents taught me to work hard for what I wanted. I took the advice...

Todd Dewett – The Case for Authenticity

Dr. Dewett (USA) is one of the world’s most-watched leadership personalities. He is an authenticity expert, bestselling author at LinkedIn Learning and Lynda.com; talking...

John Maxwell: The 5 Levels of Leadership

In this animated book summary from 2016, John Maxwell's the 5 levels of leadership are explained by Awesome Learner. According to Maxwell himself, this leadership...

Should Leaders also Manage Organizational Change?

Bringing about Successful Organizational Change Would you let a heart surgeon perform a lung transplant on you or a loved one? My guess is that...