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Why Managers’ Attempts to Empower their Employees Often Fail – and...

A majority of American workers right now are not feeling very motivated on the job, a new survey suggests. Management experts often encourage business leaders...

From Self-Handicapping Leadership to Mastery Management

This is the second in a series of twelve articles about Self-Handicapping Leadership by Phillip Decker and Jordan Mitchell. All articles can be read...

How to use Co-Creation as a Strategy for Value Creation

Co-creation is gaining ground as a management paradigm in public and private organizations. The cooperation approach is considered as a way to find answers...

How to Kill or Increase the Motivation of your Employees

The Puzzle of Motivation The world-famous TedTalk by Dan Pink about how the motivation, performance, and creativity of people rises or falls by intrinsic versus...

Different Types of Leadership and Management Styles – Quick Overview

What Different Types of Leadership and Management Styles Inspire you? You all know many of the subcategories used to describe variations of leadership such as...

Gamifying Motivation in the Workplace

Webinar with Yu-Kai Chou - TEDS-speaker, gamification pioneer, and author of 'Actionable Gamification. In collaboration with School of Becoming and its founder Ingo Rauth, we’re...

The Futures of Strategic Management

All ideas, all practices, have roots that flourish in a particular ecology, a particular intellectual and practical terroir. Strategy is no different. Strategy and strategic...

Tom Peters: Are you an 18-seconds manager?

Tom Peters (United States) is a co-author of In Search of Excellence—the book that changed the way the world does business and which is...

Henry Mintzberg: Strategic Thinking as “Seeing”

Maybe we think too much and see too little. What, then, does strategic thinking as seeing mean? Let’s begin with what strategic thinking is not....

Should Leaders also Manage Organizational Change?

Bringing about Successful Organizational Change Would you let a heart surgeon perform a lung transplant on you or a loved one? My guess is that...