Work Advice
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How to Give Empowering and Inspiring Feedback with the FBI Method
The FBI Method for Constructive Feedback
The FBI method of giving feedback is a structured way to communicate effectively, particularly in professional settings or situations...
Working from home? Here are Five ways to Reduce Procrastination and be Productive
If you have been asked to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic to help slow the spread of the virus, you might be...
5 Expert Tips for Working from Home in a Crowded House during the Coronavirus...
Authored by Professor Brittany Harker Martin
With much of the globe self-isolating, many people must suddenly manage the complexities of working from home while sharing a...
Four Ways your Name can Affect your Job Prospects
Ricardo Twumasi, University of Manchester
What’s in a name? A lot, according to research. Your name can have a huge influence on your prospects in...
How do we make Workplaces Work for Autistic People?
Authored by Sandra Jones, Australian Catholic University
The unemployment rate in Australia for autistic people is 34.1%, according to the most recent data. This is more...
Four-Day Week: How Workplaces can Successfully Establish it
Many workplaces have been experimenting with different types of flexible working arrangements for years now, but the pandemic has made the need for flexibility...
With Management Resistance Overcome, Working from Home may be Here to Stay
Authors: Linda Colley, CQUniversity Australia and Sue Williamson, UNSWIt has been almost 50 years ago since visionaries started predicting a digital revolution enabling many of...